Tuesday, 24 July 2012


                     TOP 8 DENTAL PROBLEMS

Dental problems are a result of modern day lifestyle.They are never any fun, but the good news is that most of them can be easily prevented. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, eating properly and regular dental check ups are essential in preventing dental problems.


It is a really worse condition which you could have experienced at least once in your lifetime. It is an aching pain in or around a tooth. Toothaches are mainly caused by tooth problems, such as a dental cavity, a cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, or gum disease.


Bad breath is the most disturbing tooth problem. Gum disease, cavities, oral cancer, dry mouth and bacteria on the tongue are some of the dental problems that can cause bad breath. It can be brought under control by regular brushing and flossing and use of fluoride containing mouthwashes.


Tooth decay occurs when plaque, the sticky substance that forms on teeth, combines with the sugars  of the food we eat. This combination produces acids that attack tooth enamel. The best way to prevent tooth decay is by brushing twice a day, flossing daily and going to your regular dental check ups. Eating healthy foods and avoiding snacks and drinks that are high in sugar are also ways to prevent decay.


 Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone that supports the tooth. All periodontal diseases is an infection in the gums surrounding the teeth. 
Untreated periodontitis will eventually result in tooth loss, and may increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and other health problems. Bacterial plaque, a sticky, colorless membrane that develops over the surface of teeth, is the most common cause of periodontal disease.


Oral cancer is a serious and deadly disease that affects millions of people.Tobacco use is the number one risk factor in oral cancer. This serious dental disease, which pertains to the mouth, lips or throat, is often highly curable if diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Prevention is a key factor in oral cancer 


Common mouth sores are canker sores, fever blisters, cold sores, ulcers and thrush. There are several different types of mouth sores and they can be pesky and bothersome. You should only worry when your  mouth sore lasts for more than two weeks.


Tooth erosion is the loss of tooth structure. Tooth erosion signs and symptoms can range from sensitivity to more severe problems such as cracking.It is caused by acidic foods and drinks 'dissolving' away the surface of the tooth. It is becoming increasingly more common, especially due to greater consumption of fizzy drinks - including 'diet' brands. You should try and avoid snacking between meals.Try and avoid consuming acidic food and / or drink too often during the day. Try to have them only at mealtimes.


Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that affects millions of people. Basically, tooth sensitivity means experiencing pain or discomfort to your teeth from sweets, cold air, hot drinks, cold drinks or ice cream. Some people with sensitive teeth even experience discomfort from brushing and flossing. The good news is that sensitive teeth can be treated. 


While an unattractive smile is not technically a "dental problem," it is considered a dental problem by people who are unhappy with their smile and it's also a major reason that many patients seek dental treatment. An unattractive smile can really lower a person's self-esteem. With today's technologies and developments, anyone can have a beautiful smile.

1 comment:

  1. Another issues i think you missed and that is Tooth Discolouration. Many people are now suffering from this problem. Many reasons are acting behind this. But treatments are available and not too costly.


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