Sunday 22 July 2012

Fluoride For Your Teeth

  • The outer layer and the crown portion of the tooth are covered with enamel. Enamel crystals are constantly being lost (i.e., demineralization) and regained (i.e., remineralization) on a daily basis.
  • Demineralization occurs when mouth acids eat away at the crystals of enamel. The combination of bacteria and sugar on the mouth causes this process to occur. The minerals contained in the saliva between meals that contain fermentable carbohydrates balances the demineralization process by what is called remineralization. 
  • The minerals that are re-deposited in the lost tooth enamel include fluoride, phosphates and calcium. When the demineralization constantly outweighs the remineralization processes, dental caries begin to form.

Fluoride can help the teeth by differing means: 

1) when fluoride is available in the mouth, it has a direct effect on the remineralization of the enamel crystals by causing the disruption of mouth acids produced by oral bacteria, in both adults and children; and 

2) the consumption of foods and beverages that contain fluoride enter the circulation and can become part of the developing permanent teeth. Fluoride supplements and/or treatments:

Children living in these areas that do not have fluoridated water, from 6 month to 16 years of age, will require supplementation with fluoride. 

Pill or liquid forms of supplements containing fluoride are available with a dentist's or doctor's prescription. Everyone should use toothpaste that is fluoridated, especially children. When a child less than 6 years old use fluoride toothpaste, you have to make sure that they don't swallow it, and that they spit it out. They  should only place, or you should only place, a small amount of toothpaste on the brush, usually the size of a pea. 

Make sure when they are spitting and/or rinsing their mouth afterward that they do not swallow the toothpaste. If your child is prone to decay, make sure that they are receiving fluoride treatments, which will encourage remineralization.

It is suggested that children use fluoride mouth rinses if they are six or more years old. These can be bought in many different stores. If your child requires a greater amount of fluoride, fluoride-containing gels and mouth rinses can be prescribed by the dentist.

 Make sure that you supervise your children carefully if they are required to use these fluoride products; and make sure that your children cannot reach them.

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