Sunday, 22 July 2012

how to know whether you have a cavity


All of us have suffered from tooth cavities at some point of life. Before telling about cavitiese you should know about anatomy of teeth

Anatomy of  teeth

Tooth has 2 layers enamel and dentine. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body it protects the teeth from bacteria and injury.dentin surrounds the nerve ,it is a bone like material.
Anatomically teeth has an upper part called the crown,neck and tooth
Pulp is the soft tissue under the is made of blood vessels and nerve.pain arises from this region

Causes of cavity

It is caused by acids and bacteria. The bacteria in the plaques metabolise the remaining sugars in mouth and form acids. These attacks of bacteria occurs every time we eat sugars and last for 20 min.these continual attacks can cause cavity

Bacterias causing cavity

  1. Lactobacillus acidophilus- attacks pits and fissures in teeth
  2. Streptococcus-attack smooth surface of adjacent teeth
  3. Odontomyces viscoses-live on back of teeth

Signs and symptoms of a cavity

Starting of a cavity is symptomless. But later symptoms appear
Symptoms are
  1. Pain
  2. Bad taste in mouth
  3. Bad breath
  4. Toothache
  5. Pits
  6. White or brown spots


If these symptoms  are there  ,visit  your dentist. Seek treatment as soon as possible if you have a cavity,this can save your money and pain. Reduce sugary foods,brush twice a day. Having a routine checup at your dentist can early detect a cavity.prevention is better  than cure

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