Saturday, 28 July 2012

Is cheese good for your teeth

Is cheese good for your teeth

We know that from an early age  we are encouraged to drink milk for strong bones and teeth
   It holds good for other milk products also –yogurt,cheese etc
All products of milk are rich in calcium and protein. Calcium is an essential mineral for the remineralization of teeth

Uses of cheese in increasing calcium

  1. Eating cheese results in a coating of calcium on the teeth it protects from dental caries
  2. Cheese increases plaque calcium concentration by about 112% helping to harden tooth
  3. Cheese prevents demineralization  and promotes remineralization of teeth
  4. Eating cheese reduces incidence of cavities
  5. Eating cheese helps in maintaining the ideal ph for tooth (when food is taken the pH of the mouth falls,this acidic pH is damaging for the teeth)

Cheese facts

  1. Cheese should be stored below 4 degree Celsius
  2. Hard cheese have more shelf life than soft cheese
  3. Processed cheese is a combination of natural cheeses and emulsifying agents
  4. Many cheese has no LACTOSE and can be eaten by lactose intolerants
  5. Aged cheese have lesser lactose content

Practice using more cheese in your cooked food.try to eat more raw cheese for a healthy teeth

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